My Healing Tools

My goal is to empower you with an integrated approach to healing that actually works.

All of the tools I share have been part of my own transformation and my goal is to empower you with their incredible healing abilities.

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Brain Gym is a form of Educational Kinesiology that uses intentional movements to reduce stress in the body and reconnect areas of the brain. This practice simply and effectively helps you discover ease where you once met resistance and success where you once felt stuck. It helps you feel safe in your body as you face new experiences.

Brain Gym Breakdown

  • Founded by educators and authors, Paul and Gail Dennison, “Brain Gym” is a registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation (Ventura, CA).

  • Integrates wisdom from Psychology, Neuroscience, Physical Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu (Japanese Acupressure), Traditional Chinese Medicine, Developmental Optometry, and more.

I am also trained in Movement Based Learning created by Cecelia Koester. These activities serve as a precursor and partner to Brain Gym as they address the foundational pieces of learning, the infant reflexes and developmental movement patterns. These techniques were created to serve the differently abled and neurodivergent, but support all of my clients in feeling more centered, grounded and capable.

Click here to learn 4 of my favorite Brain Gym techniques right now.


The Expressive Arts (AKA Play) help people experience love, joy, release and profound healing. Anything is possible when we approach life with creativity and joy. We are better equipped to process emotions, tap into our truth and innermost desires, and literally rewrite our story.

the power of creativity and play

  • Creativity has been my own personal saving grace.

  • When you reawaken your creativity, you connect to an innate and powerful part of yourself.

  • The arts help us process emotions, see our lives from new perspectives and recreate ourselves.

  • For kids (and for your inner child, too) play is their language of learning, connecting and understanding.


These tools help all ages learn with ease & heal from trauma

I know from personal experience. Watching a friend get hit by a car and die in front of me at age nine ended up being one of the least traumatic events of my life because I was immediately able to reconnect, rewire and process through Brain Gym and the Expressive Arts.

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When we connect with nature we are reminded of the natural flow of life. We breathe deeper and feel more grounded, calm and safe.


  • Being outdoors is healing in and of itself. It helps us slow down and soothes our nervous system.

  • As we cannot always be outdoors, items like essential oils, crystals, stones, flowers, herbs or anything else from nature can be helpful to keep us calm and present. What matters is finding what feels best to you.


When we connect to our spirit, our inner wisdom, and to the beings of unconditional love that are with us always, then life struggles are easier to face. We gain perspective, grace and support to show up for and move through the hard things.

the spirit support breakdown

  • Our thoughts and beliefs contribute to our experience of reality and connecting spiritually helps us feel loved and at peace.

  • My work invites you to connect to your own spiritual knowing, your ancestors, your angels or guides. I have experienced many religious and spiritual practices from all over the world, but feel most connected to a nondenominational God, Celtic spiritual practices, Goddesses, Mama Earth, and Angels.


I encourage each person to connect to their own version of the divine

To me, God, Angels, Goddesses, and other Spirits and Beings of Light - including Mother Earth and all her bounty - are powerful reminders of the wisdom, power and unconditional love that dwells within each of us always. Connecting with these entities not only helps to reorganize our daily experience to greater ease, peace and abundance, but also helps us show up for and face challenges and hardship.


Ready to work with me?

Click here to learn more about my

long distance Coaching & Consulting services.